Arriving at your destination took work, but the task is not complete until you stick the landing.

As I enjoyed the serenity of birding on a morning walk, I noticed how birds are quick to take off and fly around with ease, but there’s definitely a final moment of attention required to land.

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In the midst of a transition? Stay golden!

The excitement of new is easy to like. The forever dance of enjoying a hobby or building a business then takes persistence. As momentum creates ease, it can be easy for attention to slip. Whether it’s a small task or an epic exit, pushing toward a strong finish can actually be more challenging than everything leading up to it.

When it’s time to finish strong, make no assumptions. Stay detail oriented to complete the sequence. With another successful landing under your wings, let the experience inspire fresh vitality as you shift gears and remain open to next.

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Every moment is the end of something.