Rebekah Sletten is an agricultural advocate in Iowa and tells stories for America’s Cultivation Corridor. Rebekah’s activity throughout the startup community has her connected into emerging agtech innovations and the future of food. Together, we discuss the value of building an engaged network outside of your own industry. We also learn about the Cultivo Virtual Academy, why she’s interested in web3, precision agriculture, and fresh ways to harvest innovation.
Computer Vision(ary)
Brad Dwyer is a nerd you need to know. His expressions through software are thoughtful, award-winning, and world changing. Whether it’s building into computer vision, multimodality, augment reality, machine learning, AI, game development, Y Combinator, or raising $20M to support the growing team at Roboflow, this technologist leads the way and our episode of #YDNTP brews insight you won’t hear anywhere else! Along with helpful insight, here’s that link to crazy computer vision projects that Brad mentions during our time in the Pour Over Publishing studio. Stay optimistic and let’s keep building!
Jam with Jay
Jay Byers is a legendary leader. Tune into this fun episode of YDNTP, as Jay shares stories from 18 years as CEO of the Greater Des Moines Partnership and looks ahead to his new role as President of Simpson College!
We also talk economic development, evolving entrepreneurial ecosystems, the magic of music, and the value of modern education. This epic episode of #YDNTP was brewed in the Pour Over Publishing studio and features timely, but also timeless insight you won’t hear anywhere else. Special thanks for all Jay Byers has done for so many and remember, the best way to predict the future is to create it.
Does everyone have a creative spirit?
Siobhan Spain, former director of Mainframe Studios, joins us to talk about the Des Moines StArtist Community and the origin stories of the largest non-profit studio building in the nation. We also discuss how to brew culture from within, First Fridays, exploring new technologies, monthly web3dsm events, artificial intelligence, artists in residencies, and the diffusing value of your brain on art.
Blockchain Origins
Time travel with Jon Woodard! Founded in 1987, Wolfram Research is one of the world’s most respected computer, web, and cloud software companies, as well as, a powerhouse of scientific, mathematical, and technical innovation. Bask in the nerdy of this discussion on web3, blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, and artificial intelligence.
Jon started his work with Wolfram Alpha, helped establish Wolfram Blockchain Labs, and with new Wolfram integrations with Open AI, is now helping to active statistical, conversational AI into everything. He is also a generous Techstars mentor and is excited to continue supporting more innovators building tomorrow’s technology, today.