Happy New Year

I spent 2020 writing my first book!

You Don’t Need This Book: Entrepreneurship in the Connected Era is for caffeinated entrepreneurs who are interested in starting or continuing to build their own business.

This book is brewed to be fun, but will leave a lasting impact as well. The ideation process, the value of community, how to research business ideas, building a team, testing the concept, marketing, sales and how to effectively grow a company are all discussed. I’m also excited about guest contributions from two iconic thought leaders as well. More on that soon! For now, know that the publisher’s release date is SPRING 2021 and pre-orders will start a few weeks before we ship. This book means the world to me and is written just for us, so stay tuned my friends!

To celebrate, I am embarking on a new literary odyssey in 2021 and you’re invited to join me as we continue to learn and build together. My weekly blog will pair with the book and will live right here on this expanded website. Expect caffeinated conversations on entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, entrepreneurial ecosystem building, technology, marketing, personal updates, blasts from the past and guest articles sprinkled into what will become a collection dedicated to the unmatched energy of accelerating others.

This consistent cadence will be challenging and your support helps fuel momentum. If you’d like to collaborate together or if you’d like me to riff on something specific, I’d love to hear those ideas as well. You can send me an email anytime or subscribe here to receive a friendly jolt of innovative energy delivered with your coffee every Wednesday morning. Cheers!

Caffeinated Conversations

Welcome to my expanded website!

I’ve learned so much through my own entrepreneurial ventures and have been inspired by thousands of fellow founders nationwide. I spent 2020 working to synthesize a comprehensive, yet approachable narrative focused on entrepreneurship in this connected era. You Don’t Need This Book: Entrepreneurship In The Connected Era is my new book that includes everything I know about entrepreneurship, refined as innovative energy for caffeinated entrepreneurs. This book means the world to me and in 2021, I’m pairing it with a weekly blog called Roasted Reflections. This website is a new home for all my energized ruminations.

Another reason this website has been expanded, is to accelerate my work as an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder. Since 2012, I’ve been professionally collaborating with community builders who are passionate about educating entrepreneurs and evolving their entrepreneurial ecosystems. If your organization is ready to revitalize the entrepreneurial spirit in your community, let’s connect to fuel the future of your community-driven economy.

What’s next?

Starting January 1st, I’ll be sharing a weekly reflection right here on this website. If you’d like to have these friendly knowledge grenades lobbed into your inbox, subscribe to receive Roasted Reflections every Wednesday morning. Either way, I’m glad we’re connected. I’m truly blessed to have remarkable people like you in my life and would love to hear from you anytime. Cheers!