Ship It

We are all artists. No matter what you create, there’s a distinction between creating art and shipping it.

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Here’s a useful definition of art. How does (re)defining art this way change the way you think about your own contributions? What is your art?

My favorite author, Seth Godin, often writes about going beyond the status quo by creating remarkable art. As we explore and expand our creative practice, Godin also suggests that if we don’t ship our art (i.e. send it out into the world), that it is all for naught. He leans on how art is all is about connection, and if nothing is shipped, there cannot be connection.

Entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, side hustlers, students, and community builders willing to ship, fuel positive change with their art. Unfortunately, the ego often fears external evaluation. This fear is compounded when a lack of success may occur, which is always possible. As apprehension calcifies over time, it becomes tough to resit the temptation of hiding our thoughts, emotions, and activities within the safety of solitude.

Creating art to enjoy by yourself can build skills and provides internal layers of sentimental value, but to go beyond the status quo, push past the fear of feedback.

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Failure is an illusion. We either succeed or learn.

The world is loud, so avoid wasting time shouting just to make noise, but know that we need you to ship your art. This encouragement is not an excuse to rush into bad ideas, ship something that hasn’t received proper attention, or not deliver on a promise. It is however, a friendly reminder that pursuing perfection can devolve into an enemy of progress.

We’ve all heard inspiration like that before, but listen to those you admire. Perfection is rarely required when all you need is enough success to continue creating art. Let such liberation fuel confidence. Translate expanding confidence into fresh curiosity. Augment this curiosity with creative action. Rinse and repeat.

As belief in oneself grows, one interesting hesitation is disguised by good intention. We tell ourselves it’s not wise to be too self-serving. This is virtuous, but sometimes endless humility makes silence feel safe. As we protect ourselves by staying quiet, a self-limiting restraint develops. For example, many people find writing into journal to be therapeutic, but are quick to dismiss the idea of sharing these beautifully raw writings with others. Of course it’s good to internalize some things, but as you learn more about yourself through writing, know your art can make an expanded impact when it ships.

Ready to ship your art? Think about your own super powers and the people you care about. How might connecting these two things provide value? Experiment with small actions and as this develops into a practice, expand the connected nature of your creativity. As your art connects with those who care, find a cadence that allows you to be consistent. Seth Godin suggests that we all ship something daily, but one size does not fit all and the right tempo depends on the art you’re planning to ship. To find your own signal, consider your personal bandwidth and the audience you seek to serve. Talk with others and experiment, then tweak your timing to find the right rhythm.

If you’re shipping art, I’d love to hear what makes it remarkable and how you stay consistent. If you’re looking for new ways to make a ruckus, the Roasted Reflections library and my curated Resources page will help spark fresh movement.

No matter your current state of now, thank you for continuing to create art. More important, thank you for being courageous enough to ship it.

Feedback is Data

Customer discovery paves the path to profitability.

This really is the work for entrepreneurs starting a new business. Customer discovery requires curiosity, patience, humility, hard work, thick skin, an interest in being wrong, discernment, and a willingness to adapt.

For many entrepreneurs, impartial feedback can be scary. Customer discovery puts our ideas on the hook and conversations with strangers may contradict past assumptions, but that’s the point! Interacting with the market you seek to serve allows us to learn from “no” in a way that gets us to “yes.” As you collaborate with those who criticize what you’re building, learn why naysayers disagree with your hypotheses. Be humble and make your concepts more compelling to change their minds.

Collecting such real-world data is human and intellectual capital that will attract more network and financial capital. The more you learn from others, the more you’ll recognize—and be able to meet—true demand. This can be a protracted process, which can make it feel unnecessary, but honest feedback will strengthen your value proposition and allow you to eventually go further in the right direction.

When learning from the perspective of others, remember that feedback is only data. This data should be collected, organized, and examined like a scientist. Inference is more effective with more data, so the more feedback you have, the easier it can be to make decisions.

As you translate feedback into action, you must also find your own way. Even with good intent, people who provide you feedback are doing so based on their own experiences. The experience of others is based on the past and is unlikely to harmonize with your exact situation. There are many ways to build your business, so perpetually gather as much feedback as possible and use diversified data to guide your company toward product-market fit.

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My community visit with 1MC Joplin was sweet, this feature article was a neat chance to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week, I’m gathering my own feedback by presenting Pour Over Publishing at 1 Million Cups Des Moines, and the much anticipated YDNTB audiobook is almost done!

Content Creation: Writing

Marketing requires an ability to translate stories into written word. Creative writing impacts all aspects of marketing and is a skill that’s easy to enhance. The most effective way to improve your writing is to write. Whether it’s for business or for pleasure, the more you write, the better you’ll get.

The highest hurdle for building this content creation skill is that writing takes time. Writing is also difficult when you think of yourself as a poor writer. One way to tackle both barriers at once, is to sharpen your message everywhere you write. Make being a wordsmith a healthy obsession. Written articles, emails, social media posts, and even text messages can all receive thoughtful attention. When quality writing becomes part of your daily life, it’s more natural when you need it. Another exercise to build confidence is to write without the pressure of sharing it. This creates space to flex more creative freedom. As you fearlessly chronicle personal thoughts, you’ll get more comfortable with writing. Stories will eventually take less time to craft and you’ll be able to optimize anything for any audience.

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Speaking of optimizing content, You Don’t Need This (AUDIO)Book will be available October 15th! Audiobook pre-orders are now available and I’m hosting a party to celebrate the release at Beaverdale Books that Friday evening. Here are event details.

As you practice writing for business, consider the type of content you like to read. For most, less is more. Complex topics may need thicker encounters, but there’s value in being concise. As Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” The modern attention span is never far from the next distraction. Put heart into your words, but don’t massacre the message with convoluted content. Clear, aligned, and concise content catered to the right audience is easier to hear and also to share.

When it comes to writing, those who care make attention to detail a part of their daily practice. Take pride in sharing words with the universe. Being a wordsmith ensures everyone receives your best every time. This results in well-written art that stands out with a consistent, more recognizable tone.

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Seth Godin suggests writing every single day. This daily cadence was considered as I built this website and blog, but a weekly reflection has been the right rhythm for me. Months later, I’ve remained consistent and I’m really thankful to have this growing treasure trove of published thoughts. If you’re exploring ways to write more, hit me up for encouragement, because the best day to start was yesterday, but the next best day is today.

UP NEXT: Skill #2 – Photography

Slow & Fast

“Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” –Kerty Levy

Ecosystem ally and friend, turned teammate at Techstars, Kerty Levy had a global love for accelerating founders. She also thought walking 10 blocks was close by. Such fitness came from travel, skiing without a mountain, and rowing. Team rowing or on a single scull, one element of rhythm is slowness. To find fast in the water, a rower must feel the waves to let physics move in their favor.

Life in a startup accelerator is a compressed environment for ambitious ideas to flourish. When mentors, investors, and a community-driven program collide to help founders succeed, it’s easy to be inspired by the milestones achieved.

With urgency at every turn, relationships still take time. Early hires are delicate. Financial modeling is complicated. Sometimes the product isn’t even fully baked. This is when slowness adds a healthy thickness. Patience leads to deeper understanding, which can eventually bond to the urgency so momentum is not only accelerated, it’s geared to scale.


The energy of accelerating others is unmatched.

When talking with others, forget potential transactions. Instead start by focusing on how you can help. People gravitate toward those who choose genuine selflessness over their own interests.

Showing you care can be as easy as a quick thought to help someone else take their next step. Perhaps there’s a helpful introduction you can make? It can even be as simple as showing you care enough to listen.

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Early in my career I was told that everything felt like a one-way street with me. From then on, I made an effort to listen first and talk less. This is difficult when all you want to do is invite people to your next event or sell whatever it may be. Be willing to show up, stand out, and follow up to seal the deal, but pave two-way streets that allow your relationships to flourish by pulling as much as you push.

However you choose to contribute, the trick is not expecting anything in return. This benevolent attitude has been encapsulated in the hashtag #GiveFirst. Here is a Techstars podcast that explores this mindset. Brad Feld also wrote this book to highlight the #GiveFirst philosophy.

Maintaining a #GiveFirst mentality will spawn meaningful discussions faster and more often. This happens because without ulterior motives, you’re able to explore anything without remorse. Over time, this allows more meaningful connections to evolve, versus contacts without context. When you play the long game of investing in the success of others, the real fun begins.

Concerned you’ll never achieve your goals if you’re always trying to help others? Don’t be. If you relentlessly #GiveFirst, you will earn the attention of people eager to return the favor. You’ll also get asked about your own work more often. That’s when you spark intrigue by saying it’s a secret, before shifting the discussion back to them. They’ll laugh, love it, and come back for more.